пятница, 27 января 2017 г.

2 steps: I would like to be adopted

I've lived in the same foster home since I was 4. I'm looking at those my parents. Have not met my mother for over 5 years now. Foster My parents are the now no longer foster parents, but is still my parents, just not on paper. I want to be adopted, but is afraid of two things. 1. They have written Testament for me and foster my sister (she is not their biological children), where it says that we should inherit equally from the after both dead. If I adopted, I get when "everything" legally? Is there any way to then write her into Testament their left? She's my sister and I would not want her to go and be afraid that she will not get anything after they are gone, if I was adopted. 2. I'm terrified that my mother gets on the case. It's okay if she gets angry, etc., although she did not have reason for it, since she did not try to have contact even. But I will not end up in a lawsuit against her. Komer it happen?


If you are adopted, you are entitled to inherit as if you were your current foster parents' biological children.


If your foster parents seeking to adopt you, your mother's right to speak because she is a party to the adoption case. Your mother is a party to the case because an eventual adoption change her legal position in relation to you forever.

At your mother's party also means that she has the right to appeal the adoption decision and may go to court if she believes a decision on authorization of adoption is invalid.

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