Need a part time job while in school? Or searching for a summer job? Why not catch up on our tips to those seeking jobs for the first time.
Start job hunt early!
It is not easy to know how to proceed in order to find their first job. Regardless, it is important that you begin the hunt early. The most popular summer jobs and part-time jobs disappear first. Ask everyone you know if they know of any place where they need people who can work. May know the neighbor about something or someone in your family. Friends of you may have seen that a certain company looking for part-time employees. Use contact your network!
I am 18 years, absences at school, good grades and no remarks. I'm looking for a summer job. Every day I'm looking for vacancies on and NAV. I have sent dozens of applications for all possible positions both in my own municipality and neighboring municipalities. The only thing I get is rejection of discounts, and most never answer my inquiries. Most people who get jobs nowadays get it through friends and acquaintances. They get jobs through someone they know whether they have applied for the job, testimonials and CV, grades, absences and how many comments they have. If you know someone who knows someone you do not need to struggle to obtain a summer job. But what about the rest of us who do not have any network to lean back on?
I am 18 years, absences at school, good grades and no remarks. I'm looking for a summer job. Every day I'm looking for vacancies on and NAV. I have sent dozens of applications for all possible positions both in my own municipality and neighboring municipalities. The only thing I get is rejection of discounts, and most never answer my inquiries. Most people who get jobs nowadays get it through friends and acquaintances. They get jobs through someone they know whether they have applied for the job, testimonials and CV, grades, absences and how many comments they have. If you know someone who knows someone you do not need to struggle to obtain a summer job. But what about the rest of us who do not have any network to lean back on?
I am 18 years, absences at school, good grades and no remarks. I'm looking for a summer job. Every day I'm looking for vacancies on and NAV. I have sent dozens of applications for all possible positions both in my own municipality and neighboring municipalities. The only thing I get is rejection of discounts, and most never answer my inquiries. Most people who get jobs nowadays get it through friends and acquaintances. They get jobs through someone they know whether they have applied for the job, testimonials and CV, grades, absences and how many comments they have. If you know someone who knows someone you do not need to struggle to obtain a summer job. But what about the rest of us who do not have any network to lean back on?
It's also wise to go back shops and businesses you can imagine to work in. Bring application and your CV ( read more about CV here ). Dress properly and go alone, without friends. Ask politely to speak with the general manager or the person responsible for hiring. Maybe they take accepting applications for summer jobs or part-time job. Also be aware that they can ask you for a little interview there and then.
Not all jobs are advertised. Therefore it is important that you follow around you - ask, call around and tell the people you know that you are on jobbjakt.
See also: Age limits - job
Hard to find jobs?
If you can not find job vacancies in your area there is no reason to despair. Nav has a large list of vacancies and also of page announcing jobs . Social media is also a great way to get in contact with a future employer. Seek relevant companies on Facebook, Twitter or on their website. You can also register your CV on LinkedIn . You can make direct contact with employers who then immediately will have access to your CV. The service is free and it's easy to sign up.
What kind of job do you want?
Think through what you are interested in. Employers want motivated employees. For example, not so wise to apply for a job in kindergarten if you hate children crying and dirty clothes. Remember, you can not expect that the first job you get will be 'dream job', so do not set too high demands.
Also read: Rights when working
In an application it is important to emphasize what you can contribute:
Your motivation to look for work in EXACTLY THE NOW is important. Why do you want to work right there? This must be clearly stated. The company will have motivated people to work, so it's important that you really show in your application that you can help and how.
Experiences with education, work weeks at school, club / team, hobbies and the like has taught you much that you may need in your business where you are seeking work. Although you may not have much job experience before, do not forget that other experience can be relevant. Perhaps you have been captain of the football team, served on the student council at school or matched siblings at home? What have you learned from your past experiences and how you can use your experience to the job that you are seeking? This you have to think well.
Which jobs are there?
If you are interested in health and care as may be appropriate to look for jobs in nursing homes, nursing homes and the like. Often they need people to work extra shifts or night shifts, especially in summer and at Christmas when many of the permanent employees shall have vacation.
Read also: How to find jobs
Are you curious to fit children may have in your neighborhood wants babysitter sometimes. Are you a bit older, there are also works as an assistant in a kindergarten, in school activity / SFO, as a teacher substitute in elementary school or as personal support for children or adolescents. Whether you run a sports may need your club coaches to the younger athletes / teams. You play in a band or sing in the choir, it is also possible to ask about being an instructor for the younger in the band / choir. Often also need recreational clubs part-time employees. Do not be afraid to ask. The worst that can happen is that they say no. Most vili well be very happy that you want to work for them, even though they may not have any spare right now.
Under 18?
Even if you are under 18 there are opportunities in both stores, convenience stores, clothing stores, hairdressers, cafes and the like. Within service and sales are searched often for part-time workers and people who can work on evenings, weekends and during holidays. In some places, one must be over 18 years because they are in cash, sell alcohol or unlock responsibility. Other places you can get a job even if they are younger. Tasks are then often clearing the shelves, sorting of goods, helping customers and the like. Before Christmas, you should also ask at the mall if they need someone to operate package disk or be for peak many customers. Also check if the local campground or cabin rental need people to stand at the kiosk, picking garbage or clean the cabins. The possibilities are endless!
Also read: How to write job application?
Les mer-lupe
Also read: "Under 18 and looking for work?"
From time to time it also becomes vacant paper routes or jobs reklamebud. Please contact the local newspaper where you live or those supplying the advertising. Maybe they have available routes near where you live, or they need temporary workers during vacations. Often one can choose whether you want the route in the morning or in the afternoon on weekdays or weekends. Many newspaper route as their first job, and one need not be 13 or older to apply for such jobs. In the article Age requirements - job here at you can read about what jobs you can apply if you are under 18 years.
Read also: How to create a good resume
You can also work outdoors
If you love physical work then maybe work on inventory or work outdoors a good idea. For some jobs it is required to have a truck driver permit, certificate of car or similar. For some cleaning jobs and part removal is not necessary. It may also be that the local cemetery needs a summer substitute to water and weed, or leisure agency needs help to plant flowers in parks and along roads. Perhaps there is also a farm close to where you live who need help with the animals, with cleaning or harvesting?
Be creative!
Is it difficult to find jobs? Think about all the possibilities that may exist. Maybe someone will need help to paint a house or hut during the summer. Maybe next door going on holiday at Easter and need someone to watch your dog or canary while they are away. Could there be some that want help to clean the apartment or mowing the lawn? If you have an aunt who works at the office so maybe they need a substitute teacher there to sort mail or copy papers. Use your creativity and be active in the job hunt! Also remember that one rarely gets 'dream job' right away, but do a good job at work, get good experiences and testimonials - it will be a great advantage when applying for other jobs later. With experience will definitely open up more opportunities for you eventually.
Also read: Under 18 and looking for work?
Also read articles further down. They give you more tips to job hunt.
Good luck!
Start job hunt early!
It is not easy to know how to proceed in order to find their first job. Regardless, it is important that you begin the hunt early. The most popular summer jobs and part-time jobs disappear first. Ask everyone you know if they know of any place where they need people who can work. May know the neighbor about something or someone in your family. Friends of you may have seen that a certain company looking for part-time employees. Use contact your network!
I am 18 years, absences at school, good grades and no remarks. I'm looking for a summer job. Every day I'm looking for vacancies on and NAV. I have sent dozens of applications for all possible positions both in my own municipality and neighboring municipalities. The only thing I get is rejection of discounts, and most never answer my inquiries. Most people who get jobs nowadays get it through friends and acquaintances. They get jobs through someone they know whether they have applied for the job, testimonials and CV, grades, absences and how many comments they have. If you know someone who knows someone you do not need to struggle to obtain a summer job. But what about the rest of us who do not have any network to lean back on?
I am 18 years, absences at school, good grades and no remarks. I'm looking for a summer job. Every day I'm looking for vacancies on and NAV. I have sent dozens of applications for all possible positions both in my own municipality and neighboring municipalities. The only thing I get is rejection of discounts, and most never answer my inquiries. Most people who get jobs nowadays get it through friends and acquaintances. They get jobs through someone they know whether they have applied for the job, testimonials and CV, grades, absences and how many comments they have. If you know someone who knows someone you do not need to struggle to obtain a summer job. But what about the rest of us who do not have any network to lean back on?
I am 18 years, absences at school, good grades and no remarks. I'm looking for a summer job. Every day I'm looking for vacancies on and NAV. I have sent dozens of applications for all possible positions both in my own municipality and neighboring municipalities. The only thing I get is rejection of discounts, and most never answer my inquiries. Most people who get jobs nowadays get it through friends and acquaintances. They get jobs through someone they know whether they have applied for the job, testimonials and CV, grades, absences and how many comments they have. If you know someone who knows someone you do not need to struggle to obtain a summer job. But what about the rest of us who do not have any network to lean back on?
It's also wise to go back shops and businesses you can imagine to work in. Bring application and your CV ( read more about CV here ). Dress properly and go alone, without friends. Ask politely to speak with the general manager or the person responsible for hiring. Maybe they take accepting applications for summer jobs or part-time job. Also be aware that they can ask you for a little interview there and then.
Not all jobs are advertised. Therefore it is important that you follow around you - ask, call around and tell the people you know that you are on jobbjakt.
See also: Age limits - job
Hard to find jobs?
If you can not find job vacancies in your area there is no reason to despair. Nav has a large list of vacancies and also of page announcing jobs . Social media is also a great way to get in contact with a future employer. Seek relevant companies on Facebook, Twitter or on their website. You can also register your CV on LinkedIn . You can make direct contact with employers who then immediately will have access to your CV. The service is free and it's easy to sign up.
What kind of job do you want?
Think through what you are interested in. Employers want motivated employees. For example, not so wise to apply for a job in kindergarten if you hate children crying and dirty clothes. Remember, you can not expect that the first job you get will be 'dream job', so do not set too high demands.
Also read: Rights when working
In an application it is important to emphasize what you can contribute:
Your motivation to look for work in EXACTLY THE NOW is important. Why do you want to work right there? This must be clearly stated. The company will have motivated people to work, so it's important that you really show in your application that you can help and how.
Experiences with education, work weeks at school, club / team, hobbies and the like has taught you much that you may need in your business where you are seeking work. Although you may not have much job experience before, do not forget that other experience can be relevant. Perhaps you have been captain of the football team, served on the student council at school or matched siblings at home? What have you learned from your past experiences and how you can use your experience to the job that you are seeking? This you have to think well.
Which jobs are there?
If you are interested in health and care as may be appropriate to look for jobs in nursing homes, nursing homes and the like. Often they need people to work extra shifts or night shifts, especially in summer and at Christmas when many of the permanent employees shall have vacation.
Read also: How to find jobs
Are you curious to fit children may have in your neighborhood wants babysitter sometimes. Are you a bit older, there are also works as an assistant in a kindergarten, in school activity / SFO, as a teacher substitute in elementary school or as personal support for children or adolescents. Whether you run a sports may need your club coaches to the younger athletes / teams. You play in a band or sing in the choir, it is also possible to ask about being an instructor for the younger in the band / choir. Often also need recreational clubs part-time employees. Do not be afraid to ask. The worst that can happen is that they say no. Most vili well be very happy that you want to work for them, even though they may not have any spare right now.
Under 18?
Even if you are under 18 there are opportunities in both stores, convenience stores, clothing stores, hairdressers, cafes and the like. Within service and sales are searched often for part-time workers and people who can work on evenings, weekends and during holidays. In some places, one must be over 18 years because they are in cash, sell alcohol or unlock responsibility. Other places you can get a job even if they are younger. Tasks are then often clearing the shelves, sorting of goods, helping customers and the like. Before Christmas, you should also ask at the mall if they need someone to operate package disk or be for peak many customers. Also check if the local campground or cabin rental need people to stand at the kiosk, picking garbage or clean the cabins. The possibilities are endless!
Also read: How to write job application?
Les mer-lupe
Also read: "Under 18 and looking for work?"
From time to time it also becomes vacant paper routes or jobs reklamebud. Please contact the local newspaper where you live or those supplying the advertising. Maybe they have available routes near where you live, or they need temporary workers during vacations. Often one can choose whether you want the route in the morning or in the afternoon on weekdays or weekends. Many newspaper route as their first job, and one need not be 13 or older to apply for such jobs. In the article Age requirements - job here at you can read about what jobs you can apply if you are under 18 years.
Read also: How to create a good resume
You can also work outdoors
If you love physical work then maybe work on inventory or work outdoors a good idea. For some jobs it is required to have a truck driver permit, certificate of car or similar. For some cleaning jobs and part removal is not necessary. It may also be that the local cemetery needs a summer substitute to water and weed, or leisure agency needs help to plant flowers in parks and along roads. Perhaps there is also a farm close to where you live who need help with the animals, with cleaning or harvesting?
Be creative!
Is it difficult to find jobs? Think about all the possibilities that may exist. Maybe someone will need help to paint a house or hut during the summer. Maybe next door going on holiday at Easter and need someone to watch your dog or canary while they are away. Could there be some that want help to clean the apartment or mowing the lawn? If you have an aunt who works at the office so maybe they need a substitute teacher there to sort mail or copy papers. Use your creativity and be active in the job hunt! Also remember that one rarely gets 'dream job' right away, but do a good job at work, get good experiences and testimonials - it will be a great advantage when applying for other jobs later. With experience will definitely open up more opportunities for you eventually.
Also read: Under 18 and looking for work?
Also read articles further down. They give you more tips to job hunt.
Good luck!
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