суббота, 28 января 2017 г.

Pay taxes or working illegally?

Any money we get in terms of social security and the welfare system is financed by taxpayers. It's okay to think about if you feel a lot of your wages disappear. Remember that it is both a criminal offense and selfish working illegally!

Public and quality assured
white work
White work is used for work that happens in legal forms of contracts, reporting of income and payment of taxes.

Black work
By moonlighting becomes available revenue to the public and it is also not paid taxes and / or fees.

Jobs you white you get:
Overall conditions for working hours, wages, duties, rights under Termination and reorganization.
Holiday pay and holiday.
Sick pay and better opportunities to receive job after sick leave.
Working hours and salaries according to contract.
Agreed training with pay.
Breaks during the working day.
The final certificate.
The right to unemployment benefits.
Paid leave after childbirth.
Pension from the age of 17 years.
Piler Read about your tax return with the Tax Administration .

Also read: Exemption card and tax
You must pay tax for small jobs?
Few bucks considered tax-exempt, seen that they do not exceed certain limits. The thresholds vary depending on the employer and location.

Bucks is taxable if:
Wage income is up to £ 1,000 from an employer (you can have more than one employer per year and earn up to £ 1,000 from each).
Wage income not exceeding $ 4,000. This applies whether you work in the employer's home (eg. Child care, mowing, shoveling).
Wage income not exceeding $ 4,000. This applies if the employer is a nonprofit organization (sports teams, marching bands, etc.).
Read more about the threshold amount in Skatteetaten.no .

Also read: When I am entitled to sick pay?
For more information;
Get answers to your questions about tax and tax returns in Skatteetaten.no.
Questions about sick pay can be set to nav.no or by contacting your local hub office.
Questions about work, employment protection, labor contracts, holiday pay, etc., you can ask the Labour Inspectorate 

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