Hey, a boy of 19 who have started new VGS line, but can not handle staying home. When working on the side of school are not enough hours for any own apartment. Had gone if it had not been for that state robs the poor in the form of tax. But so it is, I'm considering to quit schooling to either take a job. They say education is more valuable than money, something I fail to see. I must get out of the house and into a private residence. Some tips for the next steps for the poor student that the government will just want to get away from a too large family? Must add that to tax anyone in my position (financially) is insane, feel it that the state will not help me, but rather destroy my education with such a policy. Regards extremely tired youth that will only up and forward in life.
Too bad that you do not have it any good home. Let's start with that. Is there anything you could have done that it will be better to stay at home? Maybe you can talk to your family about how you feel? Creating some agreements and rules of their relationship?
There is something called family counseling. They can contact for advice and guidance on what to do to move forward so that you and your family can have a better relationship. On this page you can find your family counseling. Your family does not need to know that you contact them.
If you do not want to make contact with family counseling, it can still help to talk to someone about your challenges with family. On this page you will find an overview of the different offers you can talk to.
You write that you do not earn enough to rent a separate apartment. Then you can consider two things. Firstly you can consider looking for something that is cheaper than what you've seen until now. For example, it can be very cheap to stay in a single room or in a large group.
Second, you can think about is whether to find a new job where you can earn more or have more guards. In the articles below are tips on how to seek jobs and how to write cover letter and resume. Also check out the website of UngInfo about job search.
On pages Lånekassen you can see if you can get a scholarship. There may also be an opportunity to take loans from the Loan Fund.
You write that you experience it as if the state robs you and destroys your chances at having to pay tax. Have you thought about what tax money go to? Tax money goes directly to the community. When you pay taxes, this goes to meet essential veldferdsgoder in society that you have very big advantage of. This provides for example free education, free assistance in hospitals should you become ill, help from NAV if you become too sick to work and very much else. You pay a small portion, but gets plenty left for it.
This means that all citizens enjoy equal opportunities. The quality of the hospital treating you or the school that educates you should not depend on how rich you are. You can read more about veldferdstaten on this page .
You write that you are considering quitting school and work instead. It is so that in very many jobs you need higher education or graduated from high school. The complete high school and obtain general admission is therefore very clever. With completed secondary have so many more opportunities later in life.
It is very common to be skolelei periods. It could be that it goes over, but it is nevertheless not fun when you are standing right in that sense. I would recommend you to have a talk with the school counselor. Say you are thinking about quitting, regardless of whether you've decided or not. Then going to give you lots of practical information. You can also talk about it if there is any particular reason why you want to quit. For example, few teaching structured differently.
Hope this answer was helpful. Good luck!
Too bad that you do not have it any good home. Let's start with that. Is there anything you could have done that it will be better to stay at home? Maybe you can talk to your family about how you feel? Creating some agreements and rules of their relationship?
There is something called family counseling. They can contact for advice and guidance on what to do to move forward so that you and your family can have a better relationship. On this page you can find your family counseling. Your family does not need to know that you contact them.
If you do not want to make contact with family counseling, it can still help to talk to someone about your challenges with family. On this page you will find an overview of the different offers you can talk to.
You write that you do not earn enough to rent a separate apartment. Then you can consider two things. Firstly you can consider looking for something that is cheaper than what you've seen until now. For example, it can be very cheap to stay in a single room or in a large group.
Second, you can think about is whether to find a new job where you can earn more or have more guards. In the articles below are tips on how to seek jobs and how to write cover letter and resume. Also check out the website of UngInfo about job search.
On pages Lånekassen you can see if you can get a scholarship. There may also be an opportunity to take loans from the Loan Fund.
You write that you experience it as if the state robs you and destroys your chances at having to pay tax. Have you thought about what tax money go to? Tax money goes directly to the community. When you pay taxes, this goes to meet essential veldferdsgoder in society that you have very big advantage of. This provides for example free education, free assistance in hospitals should you become ill, help from NAV if you become too sick to work and very much else. You pay a small portion, but gets plenty left for it.
This means that all citizens enjoy equal opportunities. The quality of the hospital treating you or the school that educates you should not depend on how rich you are. You can read more about veldferdstaten on this page .
You write that you are considering quitting school and work instead. It is so that in very many jobs you need higher education or graduated from high school. The complete high school and obtain general admission is therefore very clever. With completed secondary have so many more opportunities later in life.
It is very common to be skolelei periods. It could be that it goes over, but it is nevertheless not fun when you are standing right in that sense. I would recommend you to have a talk with the school counselor. Say you are thinking about quitting, regardless of whether you've decided or not. Then going to give you lots of practical information. You can also talk about it if there is any particular reason why you want to quit. For example, few teaching structured differently.
Hope this answer was helpful. Good luck!
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