пятница, 27 января 2017 г.

5 on the streets: Extra Fancy

Ung.no has asked youth about extra work. Have you had extra work? How was it? Write in the comments under the article!

By Hege, youth journalist ung.no

ingvild, !8 år Ingvild 18
Ingvild 18

Ingvild, 18: Working in the clothing store is pretty good, but the best would realy like to be more out there since it's summer. Having worked with some event or something similar had been good.

Christina Christina 18
Christina 18

Christina, 18: Yes, I have worked at Tromso married & souvenirs shop. It's a very exciting job where I meet many different nationalities every day. For me it's the best summer job!

Alf Alf 19
Alf 19

Alf Haakon, 19: I've worked on Bøteriet to NOFI Tromso. I will work as a philosopher or theoretical physicist. Preferably a combination of both!

Christine Christine 18
Christine 18

Christine, 18: Have not had a job this summer, but the best thing would probably have been something that involves the sun and physical activity. Cyclists postman perhaps! Haha. I have not thought so much about it really

Ragnar Ragnar 19
Ragnar 19

Ragnar, 19: Yes, I work at Spar. Best extra work is something that happens outdoors, especially if it is summer.

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