Do you have a job you have to request an exemption card or a tax, depending on how much you are going to serve. You're not going to earn over 55,000, - do you manage to book free card, and do not need to tax.
Public and quality assured
From the year you turn 13 you will have a tax deduction or exemption card if you earn your own money.
I have an exemption card at my job now, but I think I am going to serve the exemption card limit. Is it too late to book a tax now?
Exemption card or tax?
That's how much you expect to earn as deciding whether to apply for an exemption card or tax certificate. Amount limit of 55.000, - (2017).
If you earns 50 000 or less during the year, you do not pay taxes. Order free card.
If you think you're going to earn more than 55 000, book tax.
On exemption card, you can earn up to 50 000 without being drawn in taxes. It applies to all taxable wages, sick pay, holiday pay, free board and lodging. It also applies to all your holiday you get paid. Both holiday money you earned up last year and which will be paid this year and holiday pay you get paid if you quit their jobs this year, is part of exemption cards amount of 55 000 kr.
Also read: Rights when working
If you still going to earn over 50,000 -
If you've had an exemption card and see that you are going to serve over 50,000, you must apply for a tax deduction. The amount you have already earned without pulling tax, is then included in the basis for calculating the new tax. That means you practically have to pay taxes on the money you've already earned an exemption card.
If you do not order a new tax card will deduct 50% tax on income you earn beyond your exemption card. Are you paying too much tax, you will get it back at tax settlement the following year.
Lilla strek
exemption card
On exemption card, you can earn up to 50,000 crowns without being pulled in taxes. It applies to all taxable wages, sick pay, holiday pay, free board and lodging. It also applies to all your holiday you get paid. Both holiday money you earned up last year and which will be paid this year and holiday pay you get paid if you quit their jobs this year, is part of exemption card amount 55 000 -
Order free card: Visit the Online Tax Administration and book free card . You will be notified when your exemption card is ready. It usually takes 3 business days after you have ordered it is clear and accessible to employers. Employers pick it electronically, so you do not deliver anything. You will be notified by email and / or SMS when a new employer has obtained exemption card yours.
If you have more than one employer, you need to decide how much each employer shall use the exemption card yours. You can easily divide the exemption card search on multiple employers.
Lilla strek
tax deduction
The tax card is electronic. That means you do not get it in the post, and you do not have to hand it to the employer. The employer collects tax card electronically from the Tax Administration after you ordered it.
Order tax: On the pages of the Tax Administration will find the form that you can print out and submit to apply for a tax.
After you have ordered your tax card, you get information on your tax card (tax statement) usually within 5 working days. Are you registered email user, you receive the information in the message box your Altinn. If you do not have email user sends the Tax information to your registered address. Before you start booking a tax deduction, you should find your paycheck. It makes you either on paper or electronically from your employer. Is the first time you order tax deduction, you must enter how much you think you're going to earn during the year.
Lilla strek
Exempt bucks
If wage income during the year does not exceed $ 1,000, do not reveal it to the Tax Administration. Do you work for a sports team or another volunteer organization, you can earn up to 6.000 million during the year without disclosing it. The same applies to employment in the home, in the garden, with car or recreational property to a private person.
Retain paycheck!
Every time you get your wages, you get your paycheck from your employer. The pay slip should show what you have earned and what may have been extracted in taxes. It is also proof of payment of tax - take care of it.
Public and quality assured
From the year you turn 13 you will have a tax deduction or exemption card if you earn your own money.
I have an exemption card at my job now, but I think I am going to serve the exemption card limit. Is it too late to book a tax now?
That's how much you expect to earn as deciding whether to apply for an exemption card or tax certificate. Amount limit of 55.000, - (2017).
If you earns 50 000 or less during the year, you do not pay taxes. Order free card.
If you think you're going to earn more than 55 000, book tax.
On exemption card, you can earn up to 50 000 without being drawn in taxes. It applies to all taxable wages, sick pay, holiday pay, free board and lodging. It also applies to all your holiday you get paid. Both holiday money you earned up last year and which will be paid this year and holiday pay you get paid if you quit their jobs this year, is part of exemption cards amount of 55 000 kr.
Also read: Rights when working
If you still going to earn over 50,000 -
If you've had an exemption card and see that you are going to serve over 50,000, you must apply for a tax deduction. The amount you have already earned without pulling tax, is then included in the basis for calculating the new tax. That means you practically have to pay taxes on the money you've already earned an exemption card.
If you do not order a new tax card will deduct 50% tax on income you earn beyond your exemption card. Are you paying too much tax, you will get it back at tax settlement the following year.
Lilla strek
exemption card
On exemption card, you can earn up to 50,000 crowns without being pulled in taxes. It applies to all taxable wages, sick pay, holiday pay, free board and lodging. It also applies to all your holiday you get paid. Both holiday money you earned up last year and which will be paid this year and holiday pay you get paid if you quit their jobs this year, is part of exemption card amount 55 000 -
Order free card: Visit the Online Tax Administration and book free card . You will be notified when your exemption card is ready. It usually takes 3 business days after you have ordered it is clear and accessible to employers. Employers pick it electronically, so you do not deliver anything. You will be notified by email and / or SMS when a new employer has obtained exemption card yours.
If you have more than one employer, you need to decide how much each employer shall use the exemption card yours. You can easily divide the exemption card search on multiple employers.
Lilla strek
tax deduction
The tax card is electronic. That means you do not get it in the post, and you do not have to hand it to the employer. The employer collects tax card electronically from the Tax Administration after you ordered it.
Order tax: On the pages of the Tax Administration will find the form that you can print out and submit to apply for a tax.
After you have ordered your tax card, you get information on your tax card (tax statement) usually within 5 working days. Are you registered email user, you receive the information in the message box your Altinn. If you do not have email user sends the Tax information to your registered address. Before you start booking a tax deduction, you should find your paycheck. It makes you either on paper or electronically from your employer. Is the first time you order tax deduction, you must enter how much you think you're going to earn during the year.
Lilla strek
Exempt bucks
If wage income during the year does not exceed $ 1,000, do not reveal it to the Tax Administration. Do you work for a sports team or another volunteer organization, you can earn up to 6.000 million during the year without disclosing it. The same applies to employment in the home, in the garden, with car or recreational property to a private person.
Retain paycheck!
Every time you get your wages, you get your paycheck from your employer. The pay slip should show what you have earned and what may have been extracted in taxes. It is also proof of payment of tax - take care of it.
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