четверг, 26 января 2017 г.

Is it legal to own knuckles?

Is it illegal to be in possession of a fight glove? A fighting glove has four metal rings which are around fingers, as well as one handle.

Public and quality assured
Such type of fighting glove is illegal to own, possess and / or to introduce in Norway. This stands in Weapons Regulations § 1-1, paragraph 1:

'It is prohibited to buy or otherwise acquire, own or possess stun guns, switchblade knives, batangakniver, stilettos, knuckles, batons, karate sticks, throwing stars, blowpipes for imposition of arrows etc. and slingshots'

Are you in possession of knives or similar sharp tools, you will be covered by the Penal Code § 189, second paragraph.

There here is so insanely stupid, now all criminals weapons but not us, so we can not defend ourselves something. It's obvious if "illegal" to have self-defense weapons here. Idiotic

Hello, In USA there is something called carry permission. But we have something called ehvervs permission. This means that you can own and use a weapon, but do not go with it slung over his shoulder anywhere without a very scale reason. Ways to get obtain a Mauser (rifle) from the war are the following: 1. You have jegerprøven and is registered hunter. 2. You engages in competitive shooting under the direction of a police approved federation If you just want to shoot at court I would strongly recommend that you enroll in the DFS (The National Rifle Association) and joins them on the field, should also be charge up to apply for a DFS are approved rifle, the Mauser it all the Norwegian converted German rifles in 7.62 Long or 7,62x51 NATO.Disse often referred to as HV mauser as they would be used ab HV in the case of a war with the Soviet and is about $ 900 in perfect condition. Mauser in the original caliber 7,92 are not allowed in DFS. what you need to remember with DFS is that it is limited how you can build on your weapon, you can for example not build it into something that looks like it has been in Star Wars. But jegerprøven are much more expensive and protracted if you just want to shoot with Mauser 98k. Check dfs.no for your nearest shooting. Welcome and good luck in sport

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