Registering with the police can adversely affect your plans career choices. Mikael got fined for urinating in public space. What consequences will this have for him?
Public and quality assured
It is not intended that a small blip should pursue a person throughout life and therefore has set strict limits for the police to disclose information.
When Michael got the fine, he signed a writ. He then are lucky, then this will not appear in a regular police. Had Michael been convicted of a crime, it would have been shown and registered.
It determines whether you are affected by a criminal or felony, include
type crime
how serious this crime is considered
what law crime punishable by
how old the person was when the crime occurred
how long ago it happened
what you want to do later in life
It is not so that it always must be "nothing to remark" a police order to be able to be trusted. There will always be assessed on what is written on the certificate is an obstacle to getting a job or the like. The recipient of the certificate shall know if there's something in police response register, what offense was (what law and paragraph) and sanction.
Read also: What happens when you break the law?
Police (criminal record)
The certificate shows whether it is registered illegal or criminal acts on a person. There are clear rules on what should be on police certificates, and how long the information will be there.
There are different types of police certificates:
In the exhaustive will basically all the information about your any offense, no matter how long there is since these are committed, stated.
NB! There are three exceptions. The exception is if you get your case up in Mediation and an agreement that you meet. When will this matter be delisted on the exhaustive police certificate after 2 years (if you do not commit new illegal acts during this time). The second is the spot fines, which are most common in traffic cases. Thirdly, nor a sanction imposed a person who was under 18 at the time of the offense, and who have not committed serious and repeated offenses nor new offenses, entered.
The age of criminal responsibility
Example 1: IT business
Should Mikael work in a bank or in an IT company, will not this incident have any significance, since they do not have access to information from a police.
Example 2: Police Academy
About Mikael will apply for admission to the Police Academy, working in defense, or if he wants to work as a guard in a security company, the authority he searches go through the exhaustive police certificate, and where will all these complaints are shown. In such a recording process, the different bodies look on his writs or crimes will affect whether they want to hire him, or take him to school.
When required police?
Some employers, schools and the defense may request police certificates. They can do this because it is considered important that the job should be done best. For example, one could avoid hiring former offenders in kindergartens or gain criminals in police. Not everyone is allowed to get access to your police
Offences of those between 15 and 18
Most private employers are not entitled to see your conduct. These include banks and the Post Office. Although employers do not have the legal authority to collect information about your repute or are not satisfied with the information in the police record, attempting some employers to circumvent this by that they want a statement from you about your conduct.
There are examples of job seekers who have been asked to declare that they have a clean record, or disclose what they have done that has led to dots on the record. Such declarations are an attempt to circumvent the laws and regulations which employers are entitled to police certificates.
The job seeker is not obliged to give up this kind of information to the employer.
Read more about your rights on the job interview
Also read: Resolve conflict - avoid remarks on the record
Can I get a police certificate?
BROKER: Mediation can mediate between the parties to achieve a solution that both are happy with.
If you want good conduct, you must apply for this. Are you over 18 years it is easiest for you to apply for police online . Do you have online banking, you can use the same login to submit an application for police. You apply for a police certificate by filling out a form. You get the form at the nearest police station or you can download it from
The certificate is printed out by the police in the district where you live in. In the written application must specify why you want the certificate. The police are only allowed to issue police for purposes of clear statutory authority. It must be accompanied by confirmation from the example. employer of the need for good conduct. If the purpose of the certificate is not clear, the police may request further information from you or the person who has asked you submit the certificate. The application must be submitted in person at the police station. You must bring a valid photo ID when you submit your application, such as credit cards, driver's license or passport.
Who could ask for police?
The general rule is you personally have about applying for police. For an employer or institution to require police, they must have opportunity to do so by law. For example, campuses require police from students coming into contact with patients or kindergarten children, and Avinor AS may require a police certificate for people who work at airports. However, it is you personally that receives the certificate from the police and must submit the employer formal education.
How long is your offense on an ordinary police?
1. ORDINARY police
Ordinary police needed:
To apply for a taxi license
To join an associate, to get a practicing certificate
To seek work in the fire service
To become a driving instructor
To be general manager of part finance companies etc.
To get transport license (truck driving, etc.)
To obtain the license
To participate as a soldier in international peace operations
To be approved as Chartered real estate agent
To obtain a certificate of registration (trade with other countries, EEA rules)
Not all penalties will be apparent from an ordinary police.
Fine for a relationship that has a sentence of imprisonment up to six months will not be apparent from an ordinary police. If one gets fined for urinating in public places, will not this appear in an ordinary police. Similarly, neither a fixed penalties or waiver stated in an ordinary police.
Have you done a more serious crime, and receive a sentence of conditional imprisonment, it is taken away from a police after 3 years. Suspended sentence means you will not have to serve his sentence in prison if you keep to the conditions set out in a certain trial. The court will agree a prison sentence you must serve if you violate any of the terms. If you are sentenced to conditional imprisonment for an offense committed before age 18, this will be removed from the regular police for two years.
Dom at youth center will not be apparent if the offense occurred before age 18, and it has been more than 5 years since the offense.
A judgment on imprisonment (means that you must serve a sentence in prison) for up to six months shall be included in the police record for 3 years.
Dom on imprisonment of six months shall be included in the police record for 10 years. The same applies judgment on custody and community service, where the subsidiary imprisonment is 6 months old. If a person has several judgments in jail for over six months, all judgments given in a regular police, if the person is released from the last sentence of less than 10 years ago.
By judgment of imprisonment estimated time of one was released from prison. In other sanctions we expect from enforceable date, such as the date a bot / writ was adopted.
As a general rule, therefore sanction eventually too old to get on an ordinary police.
2. In an EXCLUSIVE police will all penalties appear:
In some cases, the police bring all sanctions on a police. This is called an exhaustive police.
These include
admission to the Police Academy,
police work,
working in correctional and
work in an approved security company
when applying for passes to Norwegian Airport
(When it is the CAA should have certificate)
if one wants to adopt children
3. In a RESTRICTED police stated that only some cases.
In a limited police are only sanctions on certain offenses to be included. This means that the certificate will only disclose the offenses that have a connection with work to do.
The most common demarcated police certificate is a childcare certificate. Such certificate need partly to work in schools and kindergartens. This certificate shows whether a person is charged, indicted, have accepted or been convicted of violations of certain specified criminal provisions related to sexual offenses, drugs, murder, violence and aggravated robbery.
4. A COMPREHENSIVE police will also provide information about ongoing criminal cases.
This means that the certificate will provide information in cases where it is taken out one indictment, charge and imposed fines in cases which are not yet enforceable. Cases where only reviewed but not charged should not be included.
This means that if one is innocent indicted in a case pending before the court, it will not appear in an expanded police that one is innocent. This will produce results until the matter is legally enforceable and one has been acquitted. You should then apply for a new police.
A police are often extended in combination with that it is limited and exhaustive, which means that specific offenses be included, regardless of how long ago the event occurred, and also whether the case is finally decided by the police.
Read more about police certificates and complaints.
criminal records
Sanctions are recorded in police response register. These data will not be deleted, but the information is confidential and it is an offense to disclose information from these registers.
Public and quality assured
It is not intended that a small blip should pursue a person throughout life and therefore has set strict limits for the police to disclose information.
When Michael got the fine, he signed a writ. He then are lucky, then this will not appear in a regular police. Had Michael been convicted of a crime, it would have been shown and registered.
It determines whether you are affected by a criminal or felony, include
type crime
how serious this crime is considered
what law crime punishable by
how old the person was when the crime occurred
how long ago it happened
what you want to do later in life
It is not so that it always must be "nothing to remark" a police order to be able to be trusted. There will always be assessed on what is written on the certificate is an obstacle to getting a job or the like. The recipient of the certificate shall know if there's something in police response register, what offense was (what law and paragraph) and sanction.
Read also: What happens when you break the law?
Police (criminal record)
The certificate shows whether it is registered illegal or criminal acts on a person. There are clear rules on what should be on police certificates, and how long the information will be there.
There are different types of police certificates:
In the exhaustive will basically all the information about your any offense, no matter how long there is since these are committed, stated.
NB! There are three exceptions. The exception is if you get your case up in Mediation and an agreement that you meet. When will this matter be delisted on the exhaustive police certificate after 2 years (if you do not commit new illegal acts during this time). The second is the spot fines, which are most common in traffic cases. Thirdly, nor a sanction imposed a person who was under 18 at the time of the offense, and who have not committed serious and repeated offenses nor new offenses, entered.
The age of criminal responsibility
Example 1: IT business
Should Mikael work in a bank or in an IT company, will not this incident have any significance, since they do not have access to information from a police.
Example 2: Police Academy
About Mikael will apply for admission to the Police Academy, working in defense, or if he wants to work as a guard in a security company, the authority he searches go through the exhaustive police certificate, and where will all these complaints are shown. In such a recording process, the different bodies look on his writs or crimes will affect whether they want to hire him, or take him to school.
When required police?
Some employers, schools and the defense may request police certificates. They can do this because it is considered important that the job should be done best. For example, one could avoid hiring former offenders in kindergartens or gain criminals in police. Not everyone is allowed to get access to your police
Offences of those between 15 and 18
Most private employers are not entitled to see your conduct. These include banks and the Post Office. Although employers do not have the legal authority to collect information about your repute or are not satisfied with the information in the police record, attempting some employers to circumvent this by that they want a statement from you about your conduct.
There are examples of job seekers who have been asked to declare that they have a clean record, or disclose what they have done that has led to dots on the record. Such declarations are an attempt to circumvent the laws and regulations which employers are entitled to police certificates.
The job seeker is not obliged to give up this kind of information to the employer.
Read more about your rights on the job interview
Also read: Resolve conflict - avoid remarks on the record
Can I get a police certificate?
BROKER: Mediation can mediate between the parties to achieve a solution that both are happy with.
If you want good conduct, you must apply for this. Are you over 18 years it is easiest for you to apply for police online . Do you have online banking, you can use the same login to submit an application for police. You apply for a police certificate by filling out a form. You get the form at the nearest police station or you can download it from
The certificate is printed out by the police in the district where you live in. In the written application must specify why you want the certificate. The police are only allowed to issue police for purposes of clear statutory authority. It must be accompanied by confirmation from the example. employer of the need for good conduct. If the purpose of the certificate is not clear, the police may request further information from you or the person who has asked you submit the certificate. The application must be submitted in person at the police station. You must bring a valid photo ID when you submit your application, such as credit cards, driver's license or passport.
Who could ask for police?
The general rule is you personally have about applying for police. For an employer or institution to require police, they must have opportunity to do so by law. For example, campuses require police from students coming into contact with patients or kindergarten children, and Avinor AS may require a police certificate for people who work at airports. However, it is you personally that receives the certificate from the police and must submit the employer formal education.
How long is your offense on an ordinary police?
1. ORDINARY police
Ordinary police needed:
To apply for a taxi license
To join an associate, to get a practicing certificate
To seek work in the fire service
To become a driving instructor
To be general manager of part finance companies etc.
To get transport license (truck driving, etc.)
To obtain the license
To participate as a soldier in international peace operations
To be approved as Chartered real estate agent
To obtain a certificate of registration (trade with other countries, EEA rules)
Not all penalties will be apparent from an ordinary police.
Fine for a relationship that has a sentence of imprisonment up to six months will not be apparent from an ordinary police. If one gets fined for urinating in public places, will not this appear in an ordinary police. Similarly, neither a fixed penalties or waiver stated in an ordinary police.
Have you done a more serious crime, and receive a sentence of conditional imprisonment, it is taken away from a police after 3 years. Suspended sentence means you will not have to serve his sentence in prison if you keep to the conditions set out in a certain trial. The court will agree a prison sentence you must serve if you violate any of the terms. If you are sentenced to conditional imprisonment for an offense committed before age 18, this will be removed from the regular police for two years.
Dom at youth center will not be apparent if the offense occurred before age 18, and it has been more than 5 years since the offense.
A judgment on imprisonment (means that you must serve a sentence in prison) for up to six months shall be included in the police record for 3 years.
Dom on imprisonment of six months shall be included in the police record for 10 years. The same applies judgment on custody and community service, where the subsidiary imprisonment is 6 months old. If a person has several judgments in jail for over six months, all judgments given in a regular police, if the person is released from the last sentence of less than 10 years ago.
By judgment of imprisonment estimated time of one was released from prison. In other sanctions we expect from enforceable date, such as the date a bot / writ was adopted.
As a general rule, therefore sanction eventually too old to get on an ordinary police.
2. In an EXCLUSIVE police will all penalties appear:
In some cases, the police bring all sanctions on a police. This is called an exhaustive police.
These include
admission to the Police Academy,
police work,
working in correctional and
work in an approved security company
when applying for passes to Norwegian Airport
(When it is the CAA should have certificate)
if one wants to adopt children
3. In a RESTRICTED police stated that only some cases.
In a limited police are only sanctions on certain offenses to be included. This means that the certificate will only disclose the offenses that have a connection with work to do.
The most common demarcated police certificate is a childcare certificate. Such certificate need partly to work in schools and kindergartens. This certificate shows whether a person is charged, indicted, have accepted or been convicted of violations of certain specified criminal provisions related to sexual offenses, drugs, murder, violence and aggravated robbery.
4. A COMPREHENSIVE police will also provide information about ongoing criminal cases.
This means that the certificate will provide information in cases where it is taken out one indictment, charge and imposed fines in cases which are not yet enforceable. Cases where only reviewed but not charged should not be included.
This means that if one is innocent indicted in a case pending before the court, it will not appear in an expanded police that one is innocent. This will produce results until the matter is legally enforceable and one has been acquitted. You should then apply for a new police.
A police are often extended in combination with that it is limited and exhaustive, which means that specific offenses be included, regardless of how long ago the event occurred, and also whether the case is finally decided by the police.
Read more about police certificates and complaints.
criminal records
Sanctions are recorded in police response register. These data will not be deleted, but the information is confidential and it is an offense to disclose information from these registers.
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